Thursday, October 21, 2010

Macbeth Analysis Outline

Question 12. What is the theme of this story? What can we learn from this story? How can you apply it
to your life?

I.                    What is the theme of the story?  Theme: the relationship between ambition and power’s tendency to corrupt
A.      When Macbeth heard he would be king he was greatly intrigued by it. He told his wife and she convinced him and helped him to plot against the king to pursue the position.
B.      He killed and lied to obtain the position of king.
C.      While king, Macbeth killed to remove treats and competition.
II.                  What can we learn from this story?
A.      Power tends to change people. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s power had a negative effect on them because it corrupted them.
B.      Don’t let what other people say completely determine what you do or think. For example, the witches and Lady Macbeth had much influence on Macbeth’s actions.
C.      In the end, you’ll get what you deserve. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s lives did not have a good end.
III.                How can I apply this to my life?
A.      I need to be aware of how I act when given power.
B.      I need to be able to think for myself and know what I believe so that I am not easily swayed. Also, I need to make sure that what I am saying is not influencing people to do wrong.
C.      In my life, I need to remember that God has a plan and has everything worked out. He also is a just God and that judgment is His.

 SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Macbeth.” SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 22 Oct. 2010. <>

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