Friday, May 20, 2011

Why I Write

George Orwell said he wrote for many reasons such as pride, aesthetics, and history. Despite this, he claimed that politics were definitely the driving motive that produced satisfying results for him. I write to convey thoughts or messages. Even though Orwell gave four reasons that he thinks people write, I do not really see myself writing for those reasons. But, I guess if I had to choose a category, it would be most like aesthetics and historical motives. I learned about different motivations for people to write. I thought that it was interesting that he shared his journey in figuring out his motive to write and that he said that it is important to look at a writer’s life and experience with writing when figuring out his motive. Orwell presented one controversial statement in his explanation. He said, “all writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery.” It is the best grounds for an argument because it a personal opinion. Personal opinions can usually spark some arguments. Also, it is an offensive and collective statement.

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