Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chapters IX-XII

Chapter IX:  Why do our “trough periods” make us so vulnerable (Lewis, 43)?  Is this applicable to you?  
We are easier to tempt and are more likely to give into sin because, during "trough periods," things often seem hopeless and dark. Yes, this is applicable to my life. When I am having a hard day, I am much more susceptible to having a bad attitude and not showing God's love.

Chapter IX:  What does beautiful truth about pleasure does Screwtape share?  Make a list of pleasures. 
God created pleasures for humans to experience. My list of pleasures include the rain, sleeping in, listen to music, and yummy food.

Chapter X: What are your thoughts regarding “parallel lives” (Lewis, 51)?  What does this mean to you?
I think that living "parallel lives" is something that a lot of Christians struggle with, especially young Christians.Sometimes it just seems so much easier to leave our beliefs and faith out, when it is actually something that we should always be sharing. Personally, I sometimes have had to  remind myself to not fall into that.

Chapter XI: What are your thoughts on music and joy after reading this chapter?
I think that joy and music are related on a much deeper level than we normally think. Joy, as well as music, something that God hopes and allows for us to experience. I also thought it was comical on how music and joy are thought of by the devil.

Chapter XII: What is the “safest road to Hell” (Lewis, 61)?  Do you agree or disagree?  
The "safest road to Hell" is one that is gradually sloping and fairly easy to go along on. It is without sudden turns, milestones, and sign post. In other words, the "safe way to Hell" would be to start off with "small" sins, which gradually become like nothing. A person would then take on "bigger" sins and the process would repeat itself. Honestly, I don't know if I agree or not. I don't think that there is a "safe way to Hell", but I do think that on a gradual slope to Hell you are less likely to realize that you are on a path to Hell. The other side of this would be if you were to make a huge mistake and then you would quickly realize how much you have drifted away. I think this road would be more helpful in preventing one from going to Hell. 

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