Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Screwtape XVIII-XXI

Chapter 18: "This impossibility He calls love, and this same monotonous panacea can be detected under all He does and even all He is—or claims to be.(94)"
 From Screwtape's perspective, love is an unlikely, undesirable, unchanging remedy. He also says that God is or at least says He is love, and that love appears to be the basis of all of God's actions. It is interesting how Screwtape view love. I think it is because of the "philosophy of Hell", which is basically selfishness, talked about in the previous paragraph.

Chapter 19: I am writing about the section where Screwtape talks more about love (bottom of 99-101). Screwtape really does not understand love, especially God's love for humans. He says,"We know that He cannot really love: nobody can: it doesn't make sense(101)". I partially agree with Screwtape on this. I cannot understand how God can love us because we, I, do not deserve His love at all.

Chapter 20: "...consequently you cannot use again what is, after all, our best weapon—the belief of ignorant humans, that there is no hope of getting rid of us except by yielding(105)."
This is saying that the devil's best weapon is making ignorant humans think the only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it. I think that this kind of relates to the "safe way to Hell" because if you keep giving into sin to get rid of temptation, the sin would eventually not be a big deal anymore.

Chapter 21:"You must therefore zealously guard in his mind the curious assumption 'My time is my own'(pg112)."
 Screwtape's advice to Wormwood acknowledges the fact that humans think that they have complete ownership of their time. He says to keep that thought in a person's mind. I know that in my life I tend to have this mentality, so this reminds me that God is the one who actually owns and has control of my time.

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